South Face
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Climbing is dangerous! Every year many climbers are broken, maimed, and killed. Don't be so foolish as to trust your life to what you see here. I'm not a guide and neither is this web site. If you don't know what you are doing or where you are going, please take a course or hire a guide!

September, 1998
February, 2000
December, 2000
August 12, 2001

The Tooth, South Face

A fun little jaunt on a route largely cleared of loose rock by hordes of summer climbers. The South Face enjoys "Classic" status in the Northwest. I think partly due to the stunning view from I-90 just west of Snoqualmie Pass, its moderate, though steep nature (I'm told Becky still calls it 4th class), the relatively short approach, and, for the Cascades, it is mostly free of loose rock.

I've climbed it once in the summer, when the approach circles high above Source Lake, and twice in the winter, when the approach is more direct, and more strenuous.


This page was last edited on Tuesday, August 30, 2005
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